1. Why I do the very opposite

    2024-04-09 08:49:10 UTC
    In a world driven by the pursuit of more, I find solace in pursuing less. While many strive to expand their clientele, I hold a contrary belief—I seek fewer clients.  Why?  Because in doing so, I can dedicate myself wholly to providing unparalleled quality and service. It’s not about quantity;…

  2. Branding with a slice of lime? Hold my beer!

    2024-04-08 10:23:24 UTC
    It’s impossible to build a multi-billion dollar brand with a slice of lime. 🍋 ❌ Hold my beer! 🍺 💪 When every possible corner of the market is oversaturated, it seems quite a struggle to win the consumer’s consumer attention. Brand loyalty is even more difficult to achieve.The sea of…

  3. Branding is a Game!

    2024-02-06 08:36:00 UTC
    It seems the easiest but still the biggest obstacle. What is that?💥💭To define ourselves.I can say that this is step zero when we do personal branding as entrepreneurs. 🧭🗺️The difficulty is caused by the fact that, on the one hand, we are constantly changing and developing. On the other hand…

  4. A portfolio won’t help

    2024-02-02 16:14:03 UTC
    A portfolio is a beautiful collection, but it won’t help 📕It can take us a lot of time to make a big and comprehensive album of our work so far, which is very fashionable and dazzling. 🕰️But mostly reminiscent of the past. It won’t matter now. I am often told…

  5. Branding VS Marketing

    2024-02-02 13:12:00 UTC
    The number one Holy Grail of mistakes! 🏆🧨Even someone who has been in this field for a long time makes this mistake.Many people, really many people, believe that branding is part of marketing. Let’s clarify quickly: branding is the basis of marketing, not a part of it.🅱️Branding comes first.• Defines…

  6. Levels of Branding

    2024-02-02 13:08:23 UTC
    Branding is the same at all levels. Wrong. ⛔️When I started studying branding, I watched tons of videos from Chris Do He once did an extraordinary interview with Marty Neumeier, who said: “A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or organization”.I started looking into this: how…

  7. Foundation of a Brand

    2024-02-02 12:02:00 UTC
    You forgot only one thing: the most important one 💥🧠I was present at the birth of a little more than 100 brands. To this day, I am extremely proud of each of them.Among them were a national radio station, a TV show, and even luxury dog ​​furniture, and I could…

  8. How I won a $1Bn client

    2023-07-18 05:54:47 UTC
    The answer is very simple: I lost them first! 💥 📜(The intro) A very long-standing, respectable and internationally recognized pharmaceutical concern contacted me to help them rebrand their oldest product. We can safely say that everyone’s heart skips a beat in connection with an inquiry of this magnitude. It didn’t…

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